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Services / CFO On Hire

CFO On Hire

One of our most reputed corporate services that has steered revolutionary change in most companies we have associated with, is the Virtual CFO services. Our well experienced, highly qualified CFO professionals take up the role with great integrity, covering all financial competencies in organisations. We begin by streamlining the processes and providing software recommendations through which we achieve maximum cost benefit. From developing a target operational model to building a structural methodology, everything that comes in the financial management pipeline is taken care of with our specialised CFO services.

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Advisory Services on Financial Modelling of the Company’s Operations

Our CFO services will build the perfect financial model that will inspire great operations from the managerial level and downwards. Providing insightful information, observation and exploring possibilities of strategic decisions, AFC’s CFO services will expand the scope for new business plans and investment decisions, making the financial model a great decision making tool.

Assistance in Structuring and Training of the Accounts Team

Having an exceptional accounts team is like setting the backbone straight for any organisation. This is a job that is secure in the hands of an AFC CFO professional who will ensure that the accounts team is set up and that work is distributed evenly across the various employees. The setting up and structuring of an accounts team undergoes a seamless process of giving all the employees in the department a thorough walk-through of the functions and objectives, to gain a better understanding of the structural framework and potential loopholes. Through systematic process training that improves productivity levels and workplace efficiency and implementation of the best training practices; our CFO services boosts the operational efficiency of the accounts team in every company.

Availability for the Meeting of the Company on a Limited Basis

The availability of our CFO services specified in the agreement will be presented to the company and can be availed only on a limited basis. On the days that our CFO professional makes site visits, it is important to ensure the presence of the entire accounts team so that the on-going processes are regularly updated without fail.

Assistance in preparing documents for bank purposes and negotiating with them for loan assistance

We offer our expert services in preparing necessary documents to be presented to the bank, especially for availing loans for the business. Our CFO professional will ensure that an accurate record of historical comparative P&Ls and Balance Sheet information along with the most recent trailing 12 months on all business entities, are prepared on time. A Personal Financial Statement will also be prepared for the bank to review, which will accurately reflect the company’s current financial position.

Bank Loan Negotiation Assistance

AFC through its professionals can assist corporates on bank matters involving:

  1. Negotiation of the terms facilities.
  2. Documentation requirements for banks including business plan and cash flow analysis.
  3. Submission of periodic reports to banks when warranted.
  4. Negotiation / restructuring of existing debt.

Support on Regulatory Compliance on Foreign investments

Our expertise services will extend to provide support on all regulatory compliance matters related to Foreign investments that businesses seek. From the entry routes for investment in India, eligibility for investment, type of instruments that can be used, pricing guidelines, acquisition/transfer of existing shares, foreign investment limits, to a whole new range of regulations, our CFO will be there to guide the entire accounts department.

Assistance on corporate Law and Income tax

Providing guided assistance in legal proceedings as a part of transfer of shares, debt or capital contributions, migration, winding up proceedings and even reorganizational procedures, our CFO brings about a solid organisational structure to businesses. Superior advisory services are provided for the preparation of corporate records, processing of important legal documents, ensuring that businesses meet all regulatory requirements. When our specialised CFO services take care of direct tax concerns, companies are able to focus on primary business goals.

Review of Accounts and Submission of MIS Reports

Our CFO services look into detailed reviewing of accounting systems and internal controls to ensure that the business’ financial statements are reliable and compliant with effective laws, ascertains that financial statements comply with the company’s internal policies and that the company’s assets are adequately protected against fraudulency. Our services also extend to submission of MIS (Management Information System) reports on time as it counts for determining the cash flow of a company and plays a strong role in the smooth & successful operation of businesses.

Availability for discussion on business strategy/planning

Hiring a CFO from AFC is having a superior professional guidance on strategic planning that can tremendously help in improving the company’s value. Our services ensure a well charted out planning process that involves evaluating internal and external factors like competition, trends, technology, regulations, demographic change, company location, distribution or corporate assets and company pricing policy that affect the development of the organisation. The CFO will always be available for all discussions regarding the critical process of strategic planning that sets the company’s vision, mission and goals in place.

Assistance in joint ventures and business tie ups

CFO provides assistance in managing Joint Ventures and partnerships of companies, by defining clear objectives, diligently choosing partners, building a strong executive team, defining a detailed structure for the JV operational mode and establishing a performance management structure.

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